The speed of life or "tempo" in your bedroom or studio is usally very different than the tempo outside. Which is usally why so many singer-songwriters play their songs onstage to a sometimes indifferent or restless audience.
It's not a bad idea to go outside for a bit and acclamate yourself to other people, cars, trees, chatter and the energy in general. Then come back in and write. It's easy to slump into the same ol' groove/tempo when you sit in the same spot and strum the same strum. Just go to any open mic night and you'll hear it almost all night.This is why we hear a seemingly non-stop conveyer belt of ballads. The truth is, uptempo's get more reaction from the audience, the music business and usually your pocket. Ballads when they are good are life-changing. But too many can be life-numbing.
Splash some cold water on your talent and go get'm!